Friends of Amici

Help support the Mission and Purpose of Amici Della Lingua

Italiana with your time, talent, or financial support.


Join a committee, help organize activities, or advertise in our newsletter and on our website.

Please contact the club at (609) 614-0890 for more information.

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Monthly Serata Committee

One of our busiest committees, members of the Serata Committee are responsible for securing a location for our monthly dinners, deciding upon the menu, selecting and scheduling speakers, keeping track of reservations, collecting money at the door, and handling the 50/50 raffle.

Bocce League

ADLI has both a men's and women's league.  Players from novice to expert are invited to participate in this time-honored sport that dates back to the Roman Empire.  Consider also offering your time to assist in creating the game schedule, help maintain the courts, or organize the end of season banquet.

Bocce measuring
Special Events Dinner Committee 
( Festa di Natale and Pasquetta)

Our annual Christmas party  (Festa di Natale) and Easter (Pasquetta) are special times for ADLI. These annual activities are fun parties for our members and family. Help select the venue and plan the menu, decorations,  entertainment,  gift basket raffles, and more. Be unique and add your extra touch!

Programs and Events 

Join this committee and have some fun planning trips, events, and activities for the club throughout the year.  Help plan trips to Little Italy in the Bronx,  wine tastings, day trips to Philadelphia to see museums, art shows, operas, the Italian market, and wherever/whatever other Italian-oriented events you can imagine!

Museum trip Phila 6.2023
Cards sunshine Comm
Sunshine Committee 

Our Sunshine Committee expresses congratulations, birthday wishes, sympathy or concern to members of the club in the event of illness, bereavement, or milestone events.  A special focus of this committee is to welcome and acknowledge new members.

Newsletter Committee

This committee writes and curates articles in addition to formatting. printing, labeling, and stamping the club's monthly newsletter.  This is the news all members receive about the club's happenings, events, calendar, etc.  Contributions of articles are welcomed from all members.

ADLI Newsletters
Education and Cultural Committee

Our teachers, Gregorio Candelieri, Anna DeCristofaro, Rosa Marinzoli, and Vera Bonavita are all native Italian speakers, teaching the language and culture of Italy from beginners to advanced language learners and through our basic conversation travel course.

Membership Committee

The duties and goals of the membership committee are to process membership applications, to increase club membership, and to make members aware of club activities and resources.  The committee writes, designs, and curates the literature used by the club.

ADLI Membership literature 2
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Picnic/Scampagnata Committee

Our annual Scampagnata (picnic) is held at Green Acres Park on Old York Road in Burlington.  There are many duties and responsibilities assigned to this committee and many volunteers are needed.  Permits must be secured, food vendors chosen, event supplies and entertainment procured.  Reservations and payments must be monitored.  Many volunteers are needed to make our Scampagnata a success!


Amici Della Lingua Italiana offers advertising on its monthly newsletter and its website.  We offer a variety of options and pricing. Please call or email if you are interested in adverting.

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-Affiliates and Links

(Please note that by clicking on the links below it will take you away from the Amici Della Lingua Italiana website.)

National Italian American Foundation -  promotes Italian American culture and heritage

UNICO - Italian-American service organization

Sons of Italy - Largest organization of Italian American Men and Women

Italian Tribune - Largest and most influential Italian American weekly newspaper since 1931.

Primo Magazine - For and about Italian Americans

The Italian American Museum, Mulberry St NYC - Dedicated to Italian Americans and their achievements

New Jersey Italian Heritage Commission - Provides services to foreign nationals including dealing with immigration and asylum issues and encouraging tourism to Italy by providing information to potential tourists and business visitors. The consulate process is the final step in obtaining Italian citizenship.

Filitalia International - a non-profit organization, founded in 1987, to promote and preserve the Italian heritage, language, and customs throughout the world.

Associazione Regionale Abruzzese Delco (ARA Delco)- local Italian American social club with heritage linked to the Abruzzo, Italy

The Grand Lodge of New Jersey of the Order of Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) - the oldest, largest, and most demographically diverse organization of Americans of Italian heritage in the North American Continent.

The Italian American One Voice Coalition, Inc. ("IAOVC") is a nationwide network of activists enabling the Italian American community to act as one united voice when dealing with defamation, discrimination, negative stereotyping and attacks on Christopher Columbus, the iconic symbol to Italian Americans.